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Monday, June 17, 2024

Windows 8.1 – Release date and what to expect

Windows 8.1 is the successor to Windows 8. It improves upon pretty much everything Windows 8 has to offer, from the Start Screen to our beloved Desktop. Everything got a new feature, change and improvement, mostly for the better.


Windows 8.1 has not fixed everything Microsoft got wrong with Windows 8, but it will most definitely give it another chance. Using Windows 8 after using Windows 8.1 for a few months makes Windows 8 feel like beta software, it’s incredible.

The new operating system is being treated by Microsoft as more of an update to Windows 8, as it does build off its foundations. Windows 8.1 is free for Windows 8 users, but will be sold as a brand new operating system, replacing Windows 8 in the Microsoft Store.

Windows 8 users will be able to update to Windows 8.1 through the built-in Windows Store found within Windows 8 starting October 17. The update process will allow you to keep everything you currently have on your system, much like updates are on iOS and Android.

What’s new in Windows 8.1?

Everything! Windows 8.1 has given Windows 8 a fresh new life, and now actually has a chance when it stands up against Desktops and Tablets.

We’ll be diving more into a few of the new features and improvements, but just to give you an idea to how many improvements there are in Windows 8.1, here’s a ‘short’ list:

  • Smaller/Larger Start Screen Tiles
  • Personalization Improvements
  • Desktop Improvements
  • Modern UI Multitasking Improvements
  • App Improvements
  • Search Improvements
  • Enhanced Desktop Experience
  • Mouse and Keyboard Improvements

Start Screen

Let’s kick things off with the main star of the show, the Start Screen. What was one of the most criticized features of Windows 8, the Start Screen has come a long way since it was reviewed last October. With the introduction of smaller and larger tile sizes, the Start Screen is now more customizable than ever.


Windows 8.1 introduces a heap of new personalization options which make Windows one of the most personal operating systems I’ve ever used. You can use over one-hundred different color combinations, with the ability to use a number of pre-installed Start Screen patterns or even your own desktop wallpaper if you really want to get into the personalization side of things. You can come out with some really crazy combinations!


The desktop in Windows 8.1 welcomes our beloved Start Button back into the Windows family. After being an absent member in the Windows 8 release, users expressed their hatred towards the removal of such button. Microsoft listened, and have brought it back for users to press over and over again.


Windows 8.1 has improved upon Search dramatically, with Bing now being more than just a search engine, it’s now a platform that’s baked right into the operating system which searches locally and on the internet for the stuff you want. Searching for a file will not only search for the file, but it will also search your apps, settings and the internet.

Modern UI and Apps

Windows 8 introduced a whole batch of new touch-first apps, originally called Metro apps. Modern UI apps are the same thing, and have been updated in Windows 8.1 to reflect API changes as well as functionality improvements. This segment will go over a few changes to some key apps, and will also talk about the ‘Modern UI’ as a whole.

Is the update really worth the time?

Well, of course, this always depends on what you’re looking for in an OS. Windows 8.1 is a great operating system, even on non-touch devices. If you’re worried that you’ll lose features from Windows 7, you won’t. You’ll be gaining features if anything. Sure, the Start Menu is gone, but the Start Screen is a far better replacement.

Windows 8.1 offers boot to desktop, and the ability to use the Apps List instead of the Start Screen when you click Start. You’re not losing any functionality by upgrading to Windows 8.1.

If you’re running Windows 8, and are wondering if you should update to Windows 8.1. Stop wondering. Update!

More info @ WinBeta

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