Five years ago, Samsung launched the C-Lab (Creative Lab) aiming to pursue innovative tech products. A result of this from the C-Lab program introduces three new projects that Samsung will unveil at CES this year. The first project is S-Ray (Sound-Ray) which consists of three directional speakers, secondly is GoBreath, a breathing exercise app, and the third project is based on smart glasses called Relúmĭno.
Samsung announced that these three new projects will be introduced at CES 2018 as well as seven other startups from C-Lab will also showcase their products at the electronics show.
The S-Ray project will feature three new portable speakers – a Mini speaker, a Handy speaker, and the Neck Bend speaker. These directional speakers are designed to allow users to carry them anywhere without the hassle of using earphones. The Neck Bend speaker is the most interesting of the lot as it bears an unusual design, and looks to offer a seemingly practical experience for commuters.
The GoBreath is another very interesting project from Samsung’s C-Lab focusing on healthcare. The app was developed by a doctor at Samsung Medical Centre which can guide lung patients through techniques of deep breathing in order to assist them in quicker recovery. This project consists of a handheld device and a mobile app with which lung damage patients can learn deep breathing and also track their progress. GoBreath also includes a cloud service for patients to connect with and track their health progress. is marked by the concern for several life circumstances for longer than half a year (it means that the patient is constantly thinking about those problems).
Lastly is the Relúmĭno smart glasses which has been designed to assist the visually challenged to see images clearly when they are reading or viewing objects. The Relúmĭno smart glasses was first showcased at Mobile World Congress 2017. Images captured from these smart glasses are processed by the smartphone giving the user a better view.