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Sunday, June 16, 2024

DS Exclusive: Interviewing The Talented Kimona Narainsamy

After making it as a finalist on the Eastern Mosaic Presenter Search, Kimona Narainsamy moved on to becoming one of the voices on Highway Radio. We’ve caught up with her and this is what went down…


1. Who is Kimona?

“I am a confident, easy going and calm person. I love politics, rainy days and great books.”

2. When did your passion develop for Television?

“It definitely wasn’t something I grew up passionate about, it was a gradual development which started while I was in high school.”

3. Why did you audition for the Eastern Mosaic Presenter Search?

“Honestly because a friend suggested it, it was also something that I believed would assist a career in journalism.”

4. What lessons did you gather from making it so far into the competition?

“I went into the competition with zero media experience and doubted that I would go far because of the experience of others in the competition, but I learned that you should keep expectations of yourself high, have confidence in your abilities, don’t lose faith and keep persevering.”

5. You are now a presenter on Highway Radio, what show do you host?

“I host the Morning Cruise on Saturdays 6:30 am -9 am and I work as a journalist on the same station during the weekdays, Covering the morning news bulletins.”

6. How is television and radio similar?

“Both are powerful tools of communication that can motivate, encourage and uplift or do the reverse.”

7. Who is your role model and why?

“Jesus – Just the most perfect person to have walked the earth, Paul from the bible – His attitude to keep going despite obstacles, My mum – She has an amazing heart for others, My Gran – who is a woman of the greatest faith and various other people who I have been fortunate enough to encounter. I believe there are ‘gems’ in people that you find if you care to look and you can model these ‘gems’ yourself.”

8. If you could turn back the hands of the clock, what will you change and what wouldn’t you change? Why?

“There are so many things I’ll be tempted to change, but I won’t change anything, the good experiences and the bad experiences have both defined me and my present.”

9. Your advice to the youth out there…

“Be content with who you are and know that you have a purpose, a reason, it may not always be clear but it will eventually be seen . . . don’t stop till the purpose you were specifically created for has been accomplished ! The greatest success is fulfilling your purpose.”

10. Any upcoming plans for Kimona, that we should know off?

“In the near future I would like to expand onto more media platforms.”


Fun Facts about Kimona Narainsamy

1. Your favourite colour is?


2. One thing no one knows about Kimona?

“Love the park and could spend hours swinging lol”

3. Your favourite Quote is?

“What you sow you will reap.”

4. The one thing I love about my life is_______

“The wonderful people given to me as my family”

5. Dresses or jeans?

“Mmm, that’s tough …. If I HAD to choose then Dresses.”

Such an amazing indivkdual! From the DS Team, we wish you all he best in your media career and we’re hoping your dreams of expanding to other media platforms do happen! 😀

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